Student will be able to use their understanding of physics in order to create a complex puzzle in a digital platform.
Student will be able to explain the roles of mass, acceleration, potential, and kinetic energy in their project.
Lesson Two
Student will be able to apply their knowledge of physics to analyze and identify inaccuracies in a commercial video game.
Student will be able to design and create a compound machine which will effectively direct a projectile converting potential energy to kinetic energy.
Student Standards
Lesson One and Two
NC Essential Standards in 7th Grade Science 7.P.1 Understand motion, the effects of forces on motion and the graphical representations of motion. 7.P.2 Understand forms of energy, energy transfer and transformation and conservation in mechanical systems. 7.P.2.1 Explain how kinetic and potential energy contribute to the mechanical energy of an object. 7.P.2.2 Explain how energy can be transformed from one form to another (specifically potential energy and kinetic energy) using a model or diagram of a moving object (roller coaster, pendulum, or cars on ramps as examples). 7.P.2.4 Explain how simple machines such as inclined planes, pulleys, levers and wheel and axles are used to create mechanical advantage and increase efficiency.